
Himi driver test drive program

The Himiway Rider Test Ride Spot program aims to build a platform for you and others to share your opinions and experiences as a bike owner. In addition, they offer a chance for those who are interested in learning more about Himiway e-bikes to do a test ride before buying.

How does the program work?

First you need to fill out the form.

Some data, such as name, telephone, e-mail, e-bikes purchased, address, etc. are given.

After your registration, we will display this information on our website.

Interested parties who want to take a test drive can contact you by e-mail or telephone to make an appointment.

What is our return?

After participating in our Himiway test drive spot program, you will receive 5000 Himi points as a reward.

If someone buys a Himiway e-bike within 14 days after the test ride, you will get a 100£ reward from us. We also give the test rider a £100 discount when buying e-bikes. (As a prerequisite, you must register with our affiliate program: See below)

How do you join our affiliate program?

To ensure your commission, you must first join our affiliate program. Click on this link and register.

We will process your application as soon as possible, then you will receive your own affiliate link.

How do I use the affiliate program?

click on  Register and log in. In the affiliate dashboard you will find a so-called "Default Affiliate Link", this is your affiliate link.

If someone wants to test ride from you and buy an e-bike, send them this affiliate link. If he or she buys through your affiliate link, you will receive your reward of €100, which will be credited to your Paypal account monthly. This link can also be shown as a QR code. They scan your QR code and buy e-bikes, so you can also get a reward of £100.